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Looks like an interesting concept, but steering is extremely difficult. Not to mention that you've tagged this game as an idle game when it obviously isn't.

do you control the cart or is it randomly applying direction 5 interjections later? Sorry never played the original...

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Of course you control the cart, but cart can't stop except when must choose direction from T-look rail or on dead end. If have a way to continue last move direction cart will go on this rail.

Because I create control to be for Gamepad, if you use keyboard, must hold-on key while change direction, not just press it.

I know control is harder, and on turns look strange, but all is because you can swtich direction in right moment - this is characteric for original game, but there don't have curve turns and car stop more often

Really impressive! I admire the work that went into this… even though I couldn’t complete a single run :)

The music choice is excellent and the menu is fun! ^^

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Thank you, Mani!

I know the movement control is hard and sometime strange, but after 3 times start it from scratch, can't found perfect balance. Was or very easy ot very hard, for that prefer to be litle hard. By the way this is characteric and for original game, but there all angles is right. Here the curves on turns make control harder, but think was very strange to have right angle turns on rails :)